Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Chronicle of Moving Meals

Boy have I gotten behind on blogging.  I guess that's what happens when you move though.  As you might know, I had a personal challenge to use up as much as I could from my fridge and freezer before we moved.  It's pretty hard actually, so I focused on using up anything with meat in it, veggies and any cupboard item that was going to expire in the next couple of months (or anything I could find to make that I didn't need to buy anything else to make a meal).  Here's what I came up with:

BBQ chicken, corn and a pasta dish from a box! 

Berry Cobbler, except I used up all the blackberries for some of them and then used blueberries in the rest. 
Both were delicious. Recipe: Here

Blueberry Cobbler Minis

Blackberry Cobbler Minis

Chicken Nuggets and Waffle Fries: We bought these about 10 days before we moved which fed us for 2 meals.  I ended up throwing a few of the chicken nuggets we didn't use away.

Sloppy Joes!  Some people are against them, I happen to like them, mostly because of the pickles and cheese!

We used up the last pound of ground beef, and the rest of the pickles and cheese for this meal,
although we did have to buy the buns.

BBQ Chicken again (it's a staple in our family) used up the rest of the chicken on hand, cheesy veggies, and a southwestern corn/rice freezer dish.

Cinnamon blueberry pancakes, used most of the blueberries, most of the pancake mix, and most of the syrup.  The rest went in the garbage.

I'm not usually a big pancake fan, but these were very good.

Chicken Nuggets, waffle fries, and macaroni and cheese

The state of our kitchen as I was making the above dinner.

Yep, packing is not fun at all.

Baked potatoes used up 2 or the 4 potatoes we had, cheese, sour cream and the last package of cheesy veggies.
Also in this time, we bought Papa Murphey's pizza one night and Subway sandwiches the last night before we moved.  Most of what I ended up throwing away were odd and ends of things, like the leftover butter or half a package of frozen spinach, plus all the condiments.  As for all the non-perishable items, I ended up buing a couple of smaller storage bins to keep them in for the move.  I would say it was a successful food-use-up.  Though I still did feel bad about throwing away what was left!

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