Monday, November 29, 2010

Peppermint Oreo Truffles

I am so a slacker.  I have hardly cooked or baked lately as I have had a horrible cold and my taste buds have not been up to much of anything.  And I fear that will be little cooking and baking in the next month.  We will be moving in less than three weeks.  The time has come to use up as much as I can of what's in the kitchen.  Creative meals with whatever we have on hand, here we come!  Also, I am hoping to get some holiday baking done here the next week or so before all my baking supplies get packed up until who knows when.

The only thing I have 'baked' lately are these peppermint Oreo truffles.  I say 'baked' because there isn't really any baking involved, just crushing, mixing and melting.  So mix these babies up and enjoy a delicious holiday treat!

Peppermint Oreo Truffles
Source: adapted from
Printable Recipe Here

1 package peppermint Oreo cookies, divided
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
white or chocolate bark

Finely crush 7 cookies in a food processor or place them in a ziplock bag and crush into a fine consistency.  Reserve for later.
Crush remaining cookies and stir in softened cream cheese.  Use the back of a large spoon to help mash the two together.
Roll the mixture into small balls and place on a wax paper covered cookie sheet.
Melt the chocolate as directed on the package and dip balls into chocolate, tap off extra chocolate, and set aside on wax paper covered cookie sheet to dry.  You can sprinkle the tops with the seven crushed cookies for decoration.  (It is helpful to refrigerate the balls for about fifteen minutes before you dip them to keep them from falling apart in the chocolate.)
Keep in refrigerator. 

Amy's Notes:
If you haven't tried peppermint Oreos, you should.  And while you can, stock up because you can only find them around the holidays.  They are perfect to fancy up these truffles into a holiday treat.  Of course, you can use regular Oreos too.  I used regular Oreos that I had on hand to sprinkle on top of the truffles, since the peppermint Oreos have red frosting and I didn't know how that would look.  Also, you can use as much or as little cream cheese as you want for these.  The original recipe calls for a whole 8 ounce package but I only used about 4 ounces.  I like mine more crunchy and less gooey, though the crunchy consistency takes a bit of mixing to get.

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