Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins

Is it cake, or muffins, or cookies?  I'm not really sure, but I'm going to call them muffins.  The original recipe is for cookies, but I put them in in mini muffin tins because they seem more cakey than cookie-y to me.  Plus, I am always thinking "I wonder if I can make that in a muffin tin"--and that's exactly what I did with this recipe. 

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins (Or Cookies)
1 box spice cake mix
1 small can pumpkin (15oz)
1 12 oz bag of chocolate chips

Mix pumpkin and cake mix together.  (You don't need oil or eggs, just the dry mix.)
Add chocolate chips and mix together well.
Spray cookie sheet or mini-muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray and scoop mix onto cookie sheet or into mini-muffin tins.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. 

Amy's Notes:
It's been in the 90's here since about May, with a few days in the 80's thrown in.  Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I am craving cooler days, sweaters, pumpkin spiced lattes, and pretty much anything 'fall' related.  These muffins are my hot weather protest.  I have been wanting to make these for several weeks now, but have not been able to find pumpkin anywhere.  Thankfully, one of my co-workers knew I was looking for it and told me where to find it today.  (Yay Rachelle!) I stopped on my way home from work and made these a few hours later.  I couldn't wait any longer to try them.  Delicious!  A super easy recipe, for a fast fall baked treat!

Start with pumpkin.
Add cake mix.
Stir it all together
Add some chocolate chips
Stir it all together again.
Scoop it up. 
Bake it.  Let cool.
Oh my gosh.  I love pumpkin.

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